Approaching Human-Robot Interaction with Resilience
7th IAASS International Space Safety Conference Friedrichshafen, Germany – 20-22 Oct 2014
Dr. Knut Robert FOSSUM[1], Abdul Basit MOHAMMAD; [1] NTNU Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Space, NTNU Samfunnsforsking; 7491 Trondheim, Norway, E-mail:
The ways robots provide valuable assistance to humans is foreseen to undergo rapid evolution in the years to come. Humans and robots working side by side represent one of the untapped potential for increased efficiency and quality in our society. To realize this potential we argue that today’s safety and reliability standards need to be rethought. This also holds true for future space exploration activities.
This paper will present and discuss how the methodology of “crisis intervention and operability analysis” (CRIOP), originating in the petroleum sector can be tailored to address safety, human dependability and performance (efficiency) in spaceflight human-robot interaction (HRI). The applicability of CRIOP [1] and experience from related approaches for safety and reliability in human-technology/automation interactions will be discussed. The methodology aims to increase resilient qualities of HRI by framing the interactions in holistic context from concept design to operations and maintenance. Preliminary work with development and testing of this methodology in the Moonwalk project are presented. Moonwalk [2] project aims to develop and validate new methods for teamwork between humans and robots for future planetary exploration. Consideration of the challenges to develop universal check-list and scenario analysis methods for the high diversity of foreseeable robot-human interactions and complexity of robot technical safety are explored.